12 to 13 inclinations

We had a great time musing and rambling this year about art, design, and social awkwardness. Thanks for reading. I hate the word “trend” so we’ve compiled “inclinations” for you instead. These are some of our favorite things from 2012 that we hope will continue into 2013. We love: 1. All that is hand-crafted, locally-produced,… Continue reading 12 to 13 inclinations

oh man, way to party foul, Instagram

Just as I was finishing up a nice little blog post about all the fun social connections and playful experiments that can happen on Instagram, they go and change their Terms of Service and piss everyone off. I saw people dropping like flies yesterday, announcing their departure from instagram before the new year. We’re talkin… Continue reading oh man, way to party foul, Instagram

Big Apple Shrinks, Cause Unknown

The last time I was in New York was in 2006. I was 23. I had just graduated from college with a degree in art history. I did not own a computer or a smartphone – papers were written on computers in the basement of the school’s library. I was making about $200/week as an… Continue reading Big Apple Shrinks, Cause Unknown