Why This Anthropologist Loves (and is frustrated by) Design(-ers)*

*Warning. This is a guise to promote the app, Design School Cheats, which I helped create with the lovely and talented Cara Oba and Kyle Oba of the design shop, Pas de Chocolat. At this time, it would be appropriate to visit iTunes and download it. The first section “LOOK” (like a designer) is free.… Continue reading Why This Anthropologist Loves (and is frustrated by) Design(-ers)*

Making Culture Through Experiments – Notes on Culturematic

I just read Grant McCracken’s new book Culturematic. (Finally, an anthropologist who writes like a human!) Here are some notes, not a review, just notes to help me keep track of ideas. – A culturematic is a little machine for making culture. It is designed to test the world, discover meaning, and unleash value (p.3)… Continue reading Making Culture Through Experiments – Notes on Culturematic